WoFlowzmy god damn school counselor fucked me over with my schedule again. stg this hoe can’t do her job every it’s like she doesn’t wanna see me go anywhere. gtfoh telling me i shouldn’t go after things i want along with telling me i probably can’t go to school outta state. like huh? where tf did that come from cause clearly it isn’t my grades and my personal and family’s finances aren’t her business to begin with.
First off, I'm glad you recognized the bs they were spewing.
DO NOT. I REPEAT, DO NOT LISTEN TO A FUCKING WORD A GUIDANCE COUNSELOR SAYS. Holy fuck they are literally only useful if you have no idea and need guidance. The influence they enact on students is ridiculous, especially considering the mediocre level of education they personally attained. Their knowledge and guidance comes from what they learned and their life experiences so it's obviously gonna be very limited. They also place too much emphasis on standardized test scores like the ACT or SAT; sure that's great for a lot of things like undergrad admissions and scholarships but isn't the end all be all..... no grad school in the world cares what you did in HS lol. I've seen absolute shit heads in HS become doctors and I've seen really smart folks become deadbeats; work ethic once you get to a school is a big part of success.
don't listen to anyone but yourself. Parents, teachers, counselors, friends, family, all wanna give their input on your life. It's your life for a reason so you do you man. Make your own mistakes, set your own goals, and succeed based on your own choices. You seem to be halfway intelligent so I'm sure whatever you end up doing, you'll be fine. Just whatever you do, be sure it's something you're into and not because someone said it's a good idea.
Oooooo man you got me triggered lol. I had very similar experiences with guidance counselors to what you're describing, except I let them influence me. It took a while but I now realize how full of shit they were placing limitations on students. Same thing for parents, family, and teachers; I let them influence me and now I'm paying the price. Sure I have a great income, secure job, and on track to a fabulous retirement but if I didn't have loans in my name and my parents' names and a household to support, I'd be out of my career field in a heartbeat. Instead I'm out trying to get yet another degree because I let people influence me the first time.
Tldr: guidance counselors aren't some all knowing master Yoda with a crystal ball. Their advice should stay just that- advice. Be aware their advice is coming from a very limited and likely highly influenced set of talking points. In the grand scheme of things, they are pretty useless and don't know shit.