CatdickBojanglesUmm you do realize what an anchor is used for vs a drywall screw right?
I should probably clarify. There's tons of stuff that comes with anchors that don't really need em. It's a waste of time and a bitch if you ever have to remove. Anchors have the aesthetic but for most stuff a drywall screw will be hidden and provide more than enough pullout resistance in 1/10th the time and effort (installing or removing). Of course if you need the most support available in drywall alone an anchor is best but typically by that point Imma just find a stud.
Example: smoke alarms come with 3 anchors per alarm. Lol they weigh like an ounce..... Toilet paper holder, same deal (2 anchors vs 4 screws is a negligible difference).... Literally any device from my alarm company that is light af comes with an anchor. Okay..... Then you got all the heavy Chinese shit that comes with anchors. Nah I'm going into the stud. I've seen too many cheapo anchors come loose.
I know anchors can be quite beefy but the most common ones are not.