Lol yah they pretty much are๐ญ
Abomber22Dad cancelling h- phones
You gotta find people your energy level, I’m also high energy, always have been, and as I’ve aged, that energy has stayed while my friends have dropped off, it sucks pretty bad, my fam can’t match my energy either, I just have hormones out the whazoo.
what’s a bounce sesh? Trampoline park? I wouldn’t of passed on that on my most fatigued day. Fwiw tho, your friend sits at a pc and doesn’t “move” like you, things at rest tend to stay at rest, the friend you want is already at the bounce park, just like the friend I want is already on the hill, just gotta find em.
twinkle_toesgross thought I almost caught feelings for this dude but it was a false alarm
also annoyed with my friend for bailing on our bounce sesh tonight ? Like dude you sit at a computer all day and are too tired to bounce meanwhile I’m working 7-7 hauling the crank genie / co2 lift, condensing units and Evap coils in and out of my work truck all fuckin day and still have energy to ski / bounce after work. Fuck man whatever. This is why I do shit on my own I’m not waiting up for people. Don’t have time for folks that rather do fuck all and not live life to the fullest every damn day. K rant over sorry I’ll go away now
Young_patty”i LiVE LiFe tO tHe FuLLeSt AnD DrIVe a tRuck”
bruh your posts make you sound SO annoying irl. If I was that dude I wouldn’t link you either.
“i LiVe LiFe tO tHe FuLlEsT, I DoN’t hAve TiMe fOr LazY pEoPle”
only thing you’re living to the fullest is a manic episode stg.
Dude idk maybe it’s me but I think ya out yo mind. This chick works, self supportive, seems to have a stellar sense of humor, is active and she probably shreds, probably be a dope fucking catch, I’m actually happy I don’t meet girls like her bc I’m married and wanna be faithful lol, but a competent skier chick with a sense of humor, that wants to be active, has energy and physical ability, takes care of herself….!!! It Was a rant in the rant thread, yours was… just shallow and mean, why not just be better? We’re all past the age of being mean to girls we like, we’re a lil old to be confused no? Or your just a jerk?