Lord_Byronpeople's perception of "hard work" is hilarious. I was at a bar a few nights ago, and the bartender was whining all night about how hard he was having to work. You really think being a bartender in a semi-crowded dive bar is a hard job?
I hate hearing waiters and bartenders complain about this. Seems like they're always the ones complaining about how hard and under valued their job is. There are plenty of worse jobs where people don't get paid shit, and their jobs are barely even recognized.
Idk, not hating on those jobs, I just hate seeing shit all over facebook and the rest of the webz about how bartending is the worlds hardest job, they don't make enough money, and nobody understand them.
As far as work ethic, there are some jobs I've hate, but I still always took pride in my job and did the best I could. Even shitty jobs like dishwashing, trying to make things as efficient as possible, offering to grab stuff for the cooks all the time whatever. When I checked tickets after I broke my shoulder(no scanners) smiled, talked to everyone, looked like I loved my job, got a great revue, but I fucking HATED it. IT was temporary and it got me out of the house while my shoulder healed so I did as best I could.
Everyone has some bad days but some people are so fucking lazy it blows my mind. I got lucky enough to work with a great group of people on park crew this year. Never been on such a hardworking crew where everyone killed it. Unfortunately everyone is going their separate ways next year, but it's nice to run into once in a while. When you can rely on other people to get their shit done, you help them, they help you, it's amazing. It's sad that it's so rare.