Fully agree. I’m retired from oil (bitcoin) but maybe i should be changing my title on linkedin just in case, to offer my patriotic duty and maybe i get an offer i cant refuse.
My rant is oil prices—not the prices themself, but the way people complain who have no fuckin clue. Like the lets go brandon shit. I worked on oil rigs for a decade and even the guys in the fuckin patch are clueless how price of oil works.
yea prices are up cuz russia is forced offline, but that primarily impacts europe and not us. The reason gas is skyrocketing is because like any other time—bush era, TP during covid, the gas pipeline hijack on east coast, people manufacture the crisis themselves. Everyone is racing to the pump preparing for the apocalypse buying up all they can buying the top, and then blaming joe biden when price goes up because of their actions.
keystone pipeline is for exports, it’s not to lower prices domestically. So with $120/bbl oil, only ones profiting is the industry, it wouldnt raise prices.
idk i worked in oil for a decade, may have never made it to oil trader/controller, but also majored in economics and it hurts my brain hearing all these fuckwads politicizing fucking everything
BiffbarfGas went from 2.30/gal to 3.90/gal in a year here so it was like 5.8/day and now it's 10/day. It all adds up. I hate to say it but what we can do about it is increase our capacity to produce oil locally until alternatives can reliably replace them. This will continue to be a political talking point and until it isn't penalizing the use/development of fossil fuel production under the guise that it will encourage alternative energy production will fall on the backs of the working class. Sure, there are worse things going on but do not discount how hard these things will effect the working class and especially small businesses. It's so much more than me complaining about how the pump goes to $60 now when I fill my tank on my way to my white collar job.