BenWhitthat's the purpose of this thread though, right? for the most part, this thread is a pretty free space to bitch and moan without some of the backlash you'd see in NSG. hope everything gets better on your front.
Yeah I just like typing funnier rants like making the person that was driving shitty into the worlds greatest problem, or the person that gave me a dirty look in the supermarket, the gaper in the park. But yeah it really is what it's here for, I just can't wait to get back to making a fake big deal out of more trivial things in 2 days.
connecticuntThe Asians at mount snow get funnier every year. There was a group of them in the park filming themselves "getting air" off the lips with selfie sticks. It was a great sight to behold.
Now for the rant. I had to move back into my parents house recently because of financial reasons and its been total hell. I got grounded the other night because I came home from a concert 5 hours later than I told them I would. And I totally get that's wrong, I should've texted my mom to say I was going to be late, it was a dick move on my part. And so they grounded me for 6 weeks.
I would be fine with this usually, like I fucked up, I bet my mom was worried about me, and I live in their house almost rent free so I owe her a lot. But the date that my kid would've been born is coming up and I was planning on spending the day/night in the woods to just focus on her memory.
When I talked to my mom about it she absolutely flipped, saying how never mind the fact that I'm grounded but its also the day before Easter and how can I be so selfish to skip out on Easter Sunday for something I should be over with by now. What. The. Fuck. We've been arguing about this for months about how I'm still extremely upset by this and she thinks that I need to just "quit moping and get on with my life." It's just such bullshit.
If you ever need to get away let me know. No idea what my living situation will be at the time or if I'll be in the states this summer. But if you want to just take a drive across/around the country to clear your head your more than welcome to stop and hang out, so some hiking, skiing, whatever until you wanna head to the next place.
BenWhitNot saying I know your situation at all or what your parents are like, but I know mine are very into the "tough love" style. I went thru a pretty hard breakup (not nearly what it sounds like you went thru) but it hit me really hard and I was in the dumps for a while. My dad finally lost it on me one night and it was kind of the kick in the ass I needed. More often than not, our parents are looking out for us. It's frustrating, they're annoying as all hell, but mine tend to be right more often than not.
I mean for the most part most parents have good intentions but that doesn't mean anything. My parents were very wrong about a lot of stuff. I'd love to say that now because I'm an adult I see everything they did, realize they were right, and we're all good but it isn't like that. My parents did some good things but they also fucked up pretty hard on other fronts. Also still on some things we don't talk about. That said once I'm convince I have a place to move my drumset, anything I don't want thrown out in my room, and not ever go back even for a couple weeks between seasons we're going to have a talk about some stuff and it's probably going to be ugly.
Lucky for me after high school we got to a point where it's kind of "hows the weather ?" "Oh it rained" and don't talk about anything real. It's kind of sad in some terms, but at least Im able to live there at times/see them without there being a blowout about stupid shit.
There's no manual for being a parent, no test you take before you have kids, they try to do the best you can but a lot of times they fuck up hard.
I kind of wish I was going to have kids so I could do right by them. I know I wouldn't be perfect, I would fuck up, but I think I could do a better job than my parents did. Having somebody you can actually talk to that is understanding and not just a douche of a tyrant.
That said not going to have kids though.