zuesI’m sure the privileged white boy who skis all the time really has a grasp of someone caring... or even pretending to care about your third world country and your community. This an absolutely rotten take from a pompous asshole.
yea I’m sure all the starving African children would agree with you
First, whatever dude.
Second i get that simply growing up in America had some pretty huge advantages.
Otherwise we were pretty poor. But yeah skiing website so my dad prolly makes 5mil. Sick conclusions.
There are groups like doctors without borders etc that do some amazing work.
My problem with missionaries is that many don't care outside of pushing their God. Many stay isolated and only learn enough about the locals to push their agenda.
Also one of the reasons I care about it alot is all the anti gay stuff stemming from missions.
But yeah be a douche about it.
Like I said it's one of those topic you cant discuss because of people like you.