PoikenzThe US isn't alone on that front. People see Canada as being better but you are really only covered for hospital visits, not even ambulance rides. Bunch of friends are going through some depressing times and they can't afford to pay 200 an hour to talk to someone when they don't have a job or are barely scraping by even though they make well over min wage.
There is a lot of shitty stuff in this world and it's easy to focus on that, but there is also a lot of good.
That sucks man. I think there will be a time in 20 years or so where we look back on this shit and think "wait they did wut?"
But yeah man i get after it. Ive been doing as much shit that msked me hsppy for a long time. Traveled to a bunch of places that didnt seem possible have worked park crew and snowboarded/skied in several countries. Learned the guitar this year which has been a fantastic outlet for me.
Basically I'm constantly doing shit that mskes me smile and keeps me living.anybody that knows me or saw me probably wouldn't even know hiw heavy my depression is.
I was just in an honest mood. Prolly wouldn't have posted that again but it's cool to be open about it. I don't think some people really understand which factors into their views and voting.
But yeah it's tough sometimes and I hate when I see the backlash in comments and comversation when somebody kills themselves.
Everyone's so quick to fire up the "but why, they had this or that, thats so messed up" and i get it but thats such a fucked up stance. Clearly shit wasn't that good for them. Clearly they have some fucking demons. Maybe think about why you didnt notice(its hard to notice sometimes though) instead of coming in with the heavy judgement to a dead person.
We need to invest nore in these resources.
In all honesty if i ever do, I'm sure ill be hit with the same. "He went to some cool places and did things why would he do that what a piece of shit". "Should have told somebody or gotten help"
Coming from the same people who not pnly dont want to hear about it, but vote against the resources they pretend exist.
It's pretty sad. I'm not trying to call anyone an asshole, but if you're dead set against health care reform maybe reconsider it. Think about it please.
Mental health reform would bring people the ability to get help for depression, adddiction, go to the doctor when their sick.
Hell i had to care my dying roommate to the car because he didnt have health insurance and hadn't gone to a doctor. He died in the parking lot. We got him there way faster than the ambulance would have come but still. It was pretty sad. Also he didnt od or anything it was the corona. Just sucks knowing that maybe if he had health insurance and went in he'd still be alive.
Our system is so fucking broken. Im open to different opinions but if you're against universal healthcare in America you're so fucking wrong. It's really just a losing argument that in 50 years will seem suoer fucked and almost unbelievable.