BdoobzJust curious, is there actual evidence to disprove the effectiveness of the vaccines(s)? It does seem quick, but is speed necessarily a core component here? Scientific capability is always improving, which may logically enable faster development times of things of this nature.
I’m paraphrasing because I don’t have time to look up the original source but basically a big reason why vaccines take so long To develop is funding - researchers have to apply for funding, grants, etc which takes time and is typically done on an annual basis or sometimes twice per year. If their grant is denied, they don’t get money and have to try again next year. So obviously this is a year where the vaccine is in development but not actually getting a whole lot done. Since so much funding was continuously poured into this vaccine, those financial obstacles were never an issue.
also research was being done to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus that caused SARS. The vaccines are not the same, but the process a lot like baking a cookie from scratch vs using a premixed box. The sars vaccine was like baking from scratch and the COVID 19 vaccine used some of those components(like the premixed box).
This is a gross simplification of the process but is the general idea of why.