CaseyI think you should at least have to put some effort toward giving as much as you take. I don’t think the majority of tax payers are going to be that hip to covering health insurance for ski bums that don’t want to work. The reality is, no one wants to work. Work fucking sucks ass. 9/10 Americans agree on this.
Health insurance costs my family more than the mortgage does. It’s not as simple as saying get a job and work for it. We are well off but there are a significant amount of working people who literally have to chose between health insurance or having a place to sleep and food.
My mom got sick and had to retire early, I’m only 24 but got kicked off because it would have been $2,100 per month for them. Because of this I get Medicaid but if I were 27, in the exact situation I am in right now I’d be paying $500-600 per month which I cannot afford, and that’s still with premium assistance and with a job where I’m paying taxes already.
I’m not saying you’re wrong. healthcare and insurance is a service and there are working people within the companies that deserve compensation. It’s just not so simple as saying work for it... and as mentioned above, it’s also not as simple as sacrificing your entire life just for insurance. Realistically a lot of people already do these things and still have to go without. There are a lot of issues that contribute to this that unfortunately can’t be solved quickly.
(General statement not necessarily directed at you) I’d also recommend not being quick to judge someone’s employment status and even if someone isn’t currently employed it doesn’t mean they haven’t paid into he system for years. The numbers of people who truly cheat the system are surprisingly minuscule compared to what the public thinks. We pay into the system and should be able to tap into programs and services offered when we need them. We’ve already paid(or will be paying) for them.
And this isn’t all directed at you or an argument against your post cause I do see and partially agree with where you’re coming from. More or less just trash ramblings because I’m interested in this subject lol