theabortionatorI definitely have an issue with the way we view the atomic bombings 75 years ago. It's not shocking but I hate the way everything America does is righteous. It's pretty bullshit. Even with our more recent wars. Anybody who we dislike is a terrorist, but if our government commits war crims it's "spreading freedom" or whatever. Unpopular opinion I guess.
I mean....i agree with you on some parts for sure. But idk.....there would have been far far more casualties on both sides had there been an invasion. That was a brutal front in the war. The Japanese were in total war....and they weren't going to back out. They were training women and children to fight to the last one standing. And unlike the Germans, it's likely that it actually would have happened. Totally different mindset and culture in that theator. There was an estimated 1 million US casualties had there been an invasion of Japan, and if it was it was anything like the rest of that theator, there would have been 4-5 times that for the Japanese.
Not to mention the fact that we dropped one bomb and offered them surrender. They didn't. Could there have been more than the time given? Yes....but most accounts stated that the Japanese cabinet was stillsolid on their decision to not surrender. After the second bomb it was still largely split on whether to surrender or not.
However there is a lot of recent (after the war) knowledge that came out involving the Japanese surrender. Apperantly there were talks with Russia about a peace agreement ( I think), and further studies showed the estimated casualties on the us side to be lower. That's where the question of where it's necessary comes in. And I have no fucking clue. You don't either. If it had played out the other way without the bombs maybe Japan would have been completely destroyed through a combined assault of the Americans and Russians. Who knows. Maybe they would have surrendered.
I get what you are saying....but at the same time we have no idea. The bombs killed 250, 000 people. And that's fucked up. Most civies. Fucked up.
But the firebombing of Tokyo killed like 100,00(ish?) And the bombing of dresden killed 25,000. Those were both blatent attacks on civilians with no real clear reason. At least the nukes had the clear pupose of ending the war. Those others were just blatent disregard for anything humane. Completely unrelated to the war effort. Just a way for blatent payback and revenge.
This was a very incoherent rant on why I am on both sides of the fence with the nukes in Japan. Thank you. I doubt it made any sense. But the us does spend a lot of time in highschool history class trying to make sure it's shit doesn't stink. And that's rediculous. The US has done fucked up shit in the past. No doubt about that.