BdoobzThe education ministers in Canada are a joke. Kids going back to school full time in the fall, sounds like a great science experiment. Both my parents are teachers who will now be forced to work in danger every day. Let's be honest, school is basically day care. People will send their sick child to school because they have no other means to have them watched over. I'll let you guys know how COVID is.
Depends which province you are in. Sounds like you live in Ontario.
Yeah, the education board tried to do online classes with a complete failure. So basically they gave up and claimed that the budget wont permit another try.
Yes, grade school and high schools are basically day care and parents are more focused on paying off a massive morgage on their flashy, overpriced houses and fancy cars to be concerned for their children.
Last point and the most important, adults forgot their highschool education. Most would fail highschool without being taught the exam first. Hell, my parents couldnt understand my grade 11 math, physics, chemistry or literature homework. Plus my mom was a horrible teacher too. As long I was getting passing grades, they wouldnt be on my back all the time. Im sure the same goes to 95% of students.
Thats why the government is sending ya back to school. Everyone is too lazy to give a fuck. Or have the mentality of “if it doesnt concern me, I dont give a fuck”