Powder has shared this a couple of times. The thought and title are great, the author is a jerry and the article is a dumpster fire.
Basically author thinks you cant snowboard if your tall, all avy deaths and suicides are because of alcohol, and judges the world while bitching about people telling her not to judge them.
I mean literally if you have a damily, there's literally no reason to nkt be able to not drink and ski. The mtns have bars, just like restaurants. Some people drink more than ski for sure. But that's because they're a nerry or alcoholic . Other than some pocket beers I'm never sropping for a beer and those are for the lift. If you're wasting tour day at the bar instead of skiing that's your own fault and a jerry ass move.
Mtns should get rid of bars, apres and events that have booze because author drank too much. Sick idea.
Also who the hell need to go to apres. Shred hard and then go the fuck home, get up early and repeat.
Idk I just hate people making ignorant points and powder pushing it because the title sounds good. If it was a meme "you dont have to drink to ski" sure whatever but every line un that article just got more and more shot.
I know have the stuff I post on here is shot af "news" but at least I try not to be a douche about it. And don't blame people who have killed themselves or died in avies to prove my shitty arguments.
It was a gross read. Also they posted how you need to shorgun a beer and watch a ski ovie the post begore.