DingoSeanI know there's finally going to be precip coming in, but I cannot help but be entirely 100% pessimistic about what it might actually do. Will it snow? probably not.. and if it will it will be too high to matter... and everything below will wash away anyway so fuck it yeah?
Tahoe doesn't get snow anymore... at least not real snow in real amounts like it used to. This drought is fucking abysmal. It's made me so apathetic that now I don't even want to watch it happen.
It's like watching your sports team lose big every fucking year. You don't even want to go to the games anymore even if you get a free ticket... It's just going to be a disappointment and you'll go home feeling like you wasted your time and should have just slept in and spent your gas money on well drinks and mediocre blow.
My second year in the PNW. Really feeling a bum year, I'm sure California is worse. I am not going to use the word depression, but I feel less happy. Can't really see myself living here after college. Not if winters aren't going to be like this.
On a different note, I have gotten very pessimistic about skiing, specifically flaunting snow conditions and the epic time people are having. In a way it's like flaunting wealth, shoving it in the face of those who are less fortunate. All these pro skiers (not saying they haven't earned it) who get flown around the world, chasing the best snow; Japan, France, etc. All the instagram posts, mini edits. The average skier will never go to Japan, to ski the Alps, and saying "CONDITIONS WERE AWESOME, WHERE WERE YOU?" I'll tell you where I was. I was sitting my desk, looking up snow conditions that show a snow line of 7500 feet, dreading that I won't ski 10 times in Washington. I guess I just can't get stoked on the edits anymore, with crappy conditions to look forward to.
Yes. I'm salty, butthurt, mad. The other option: shut myself off from skiing culture, ignore the pow edits, I feel as though I'll just drift further from the sport I luv