PeppermillRenoTalk to the landlord and try and get her tossed. A bf and kid living there off the lease ain’t cool
I guess landlord is living in europe or something now. She's dealing with him and I don't have contact. Ad they're doing the oh we're a couple thing. Not just being a couple which even having the extra person i annoying. Idk like get your own fucking place and split it, if somebody wants to live with you that's all good to, but this is rough.
I've been trying to get one of my best friend to come out from CO to visit. Told him I'd buy him all the whiskey and beer he can drink and he can be/should be loud as fuck. My problem is I'm just not loud enough. I don't want to blast music back at her etc. I just want the occasional mellow day more than once a season.
Idk, people will always disagree and get annoyed with each other, that's life. But this shit is whack. Not nearly as bad as roommates 2 years ago but still. And better than renting a hotel room through Vail in CO 5 years ago living with a xannax addict. Pretty much have shit luck with roommates.
Maybe I'll get an xbox and hook it up in the living room and play COD or something at 3am Micd up and shouting. Or join some church or rehab groups that have people from group host just to have weird strangers in our living room. Go to petco with 1000 bucks and see where that gets me. Try and ace ventura the place up a bit.