DeebieSkeebies"the tip of your tongue" expression doesnt really do much justice when you fuckin forget what youre saying mid sentence sometimes or forget what youre doing mid-task and gotta remind yourself. Its weird, just how it is.
For sure. Things got a bit better for me over time, and I got used to everything enough that I can kind of hold my shit together most of the time. But damn. I hate when people grill me about forgetting their name. Like motherfucker, out of all the stuff I'm trying to remember that shit is so far down the priority list. I'm generally just trying to show up for work, and not lose my phone wallet or keys, pay my bills on time, and not fuck anything up to catastrophicly. Idk.
I actually just bumped my head a week ago. Not terribly but enough to fuck things up a bit. works been kinda shitty and been getting fucked over. I remember after my head injuries I was a lot more angry about shit. This time it's mellower but it comes at a time where shits actually kinda fucked up. I ended up having some beers last night, prolly shouldn't have but I need to blow off some steam. Ate some mushrooms and went bowling with my roommate and her boyfriend. Had a good time and hate life a little less. BAck on that straight water game for prolly a week or so though.
Been good about staying off the mountain too. A little easier now that it's feb break. But the weather has been nice and the riding is really good, especially the park laps and groomers.
I'm just fucking rambling so I'll stop, but hopefully things are on the up for you. Head injuries fucking suck. And it def makes it hard to relate to people sometimes/gets frustrating when you feel like you're running at like 50% or worse. Hang in there