-arc-Not naming names but, I applied for work at a ski resort in BC to be an instructor. I have 3 years experience, my csia level 2 and good references. Had a great interview with the head of said unnamed ski school, great guy, seemed keen. Said he'd get back to me after he finished interviews last weekend, and now it's Friday. Furthermore, two of my mates have already been offered jobs there, so I'm not sure what the go is.
I'm a Canadian citizen, but I'm coming from living in Australia, so I kinda need to sort this shit out sooner than later. I sent a follow up email asking if there were any developments on Wednesday, but got nothing.
Any tips? I also have an offer for an interview at Revy, but don't want to take it if I'm just going to turn it down for this other job. I think I'm just going to have patience and wait.
In similar situations I've gone ahead and lined up the other interviews. Sometimes letting them know in advance that I accepted another job and didn't need the interview, or sometimes interviewed to see what the situation was at another mountain.
I would say shoot him another email or call early/mid next week if you still haven't heard anything. Sometimes people are swamped or just aren't that organized but radio silence is never fun, and you need to make sure you don't fuck yourself over.
It's still fairly early but I get that you need to lock down plans. If this was October I'd be a little more worried. A lot of places have been hiring earlier and earlier each year but it's still mid September.
The fact that you don't need a visa makes it logistically easier for you and also more likely on the mountains side.
Idk, if you're sweating it don't feel bad about setting up some other interviews. Even if those come and you still haven't heard back from this guy you can mention that you have other offers and are waiting to hear back. Usually people are pretty good about giving you a realistic date of when you need to lock in if you're going to work there. And if that was the case you just hit up the original place again and say "Hey, I have a job offer at _____ but I still want to work at your mountain. I need to make a decision asap so let me know what in the fuck is going on. K bye"
Also the ski industry(like probably anything else). Somethings don't make sense, a lot of stuff is fucked. You pretty much have to go in and grab it by the balls or get fucked over. Patience, trying to do the right thing, or any other good qualities really get you nowhere.
I'd start looking at fights as well to get that rolling if you know your approx dates so you can pull the trigger if you accept an offer and find some cheap flights.