theabortionatorMt snow used to(and probably still does) have a big problem with theft at Carinthia. Too many days where you'd see several people frantically looking for their shit at the end of the day.
We were talking about putting some brand new setups out and waiting for somebody to steal them and then fucking them up. I hope somebody out there actually does shit like this. Or at least calls the cops.
There was a lady at beaver creek who got really into it. She'd watch the cams where your gear had been and try and find the fuckers. Was pretty rad.
People who steal, are fucked, people who steal somebodies joy, should get hit by a fucking bus. That pair of skis/board isn't the $100 you're going to get when you sell it cheap. It's somebodies life, somebodies passion. The little bit of joy in this fucked up world. If you take that, I fucking hate you so much.
I remember bringing some of the local kids to snow for pay your age day once. One of them got his board jacked. Seeing some kid cry because somebody stole his shit and now he can't snowboard. Fuck, that and fuck those people.
I hate how fucking callous/douchey some mtns are about it. People will go in to mention their gear got jacked and the mtn people say "Well you should have put on lock on it" in the most cold douchey tone ever. Not even a "Oh my thats so terrible, I don't really gaf but I'm going to pretend to care even if I don't want to/can't help you".
Your last part in your post is 100% exactly how the situation was handled and how I was treated by the resort management and resort hosts that I thought were going to at least help me out or let me peep some security camera footage with. Basically got blown off by them with the typical "Nah sorry about your luck, not much we can do for you but we'll look into it". I totally get that accusing people of theft can start a shitstorm but damn, at least take some pride in your jobs and look out for shady people or suspicious activity.....Most of the base areas in PC are close to public roads so its prime opportunities for theft so its not like its totally uncommon. Just do your fucking job. They even said their were some flaws in their security (great thing to tell someone who was a victim of a crime) and that it would be difficult to see anything on the cameras and didn't really want to show me any footage.
Totally fucking bogus and its even more salt in the wound as a resort worker of that very same resort who spent a damn good amount of time and effort taking care of people on vacations only to have that same resort just treat you like dogshit. They eventually said they were going to "look into it more" because there were a few more theft reports around the resort but since they were guests gear, thats probably what prompted them to take it a little bit more seriously. But nah, fuck the barely above minimum wage resort worker where money isn't necessarily a commodity for them. Like you said, its their livelihood and passion and to not even take that seriously? You gotta be a real callous shitty person to be like that. They'd scour the earth for some guests skis but workers dont mean shit in their eyes. Fuck Deer Valley and Fuck their shitty management. Hope someone on here that works there reads this cuz I did enjoy working for that company but its a shitty company that doesnt look out for you. You've been warned /rant over.
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This would happen like almost every week lol, especially cuz some of the shops around PC like Titus works in I believe have the same demos you can spot from a mile a way; Usually something like Blizzard, Rossi, Kastle, etc. Super common high-end demos that get accidentally taken all the damn time. It didn't help that most of the lodges I worked in were ski in/out properties with ski racks outside so people left stuff there all the time. It did suck once because this one lady who was a homeowner (total asian cougar BTW) didn't use her ski locker one night and someone accidentally took her nice skis, thought they were the same demos they got days before, returned them back to the shop, and were never ever seen again. I felt bad for her and we had to eat a $1300 bill for a new setup lol. She was actually pretty cool about it but pretty bummed, more bummed than angry so I totally related with her on that.
Even worse with kids gear I think cuz its all the same stuff from rental shops. I totally feel for the little teary-eyed kid early in the morning throwing a fit cuz their skis got accidentally taken. Reminded me of all the BS my parents had to sift through with me and my sisters when we were younger Never a great way to start a ski day.
Long story short: I hope all ski thieves die a horrible death and if I ever see anyone in the act of theft, I absolutely have no problem catching an assault charge for kicking their teeth in.