BigPurpleSkiSuitI know everyone has to get places, but seriously why hasn't there been a child's sleeping pill already invented for mainstream use and made mandatory on airplanes. Just sitting in the lobby there are already two screaming babies on this red eye flight, and everyone's just grimacing in anticipation.
Oh fuck, I agree so much with ya on this one. There are so many reason I hate flying now.
1. Screaming babies. One flight I was on, there was a cacophony of screaming babies. Couldnt even use ear buds during take off and landing so you had to endure the torturous noise coming from them. Sure you cant blame the newborns, but come on.
2. People who carry 3 carry on bags because they cant afford 20$ to check in their clothing. Then, they hold up boarding because their luggage doesnt fin it the overhead or under the seat. Then they use 6 people's worth over overhead space. Cheap fucks
3. People who refuse to sit with a stranger or refuse to sit in their assigned place.
4. People who have to travel with their rat dog in the cabin. Im sure you can live without your yappy, stinky dog for a few hours.
5. People who burst out in applause when the plane lands. Seriously???
6. When people stand up the very second the plane stops. It make me feel super claustrophobic and the line wont move any faster. The only flight this has not happen is on a Castlegar from Vancouver.