Eat.PantYo having a teenage life crisis. Been naive forever not thinking about my future other than the fact I’d be alright with mostly anything but would prefer to not go into further education, not because I can’t for some reason but it may not end up helping me in the long term (everyone goes to uni now a days, and there aren’t enough jobs). I turned 18 last Friday, my last exam of high school is in 28 days and I’m now realizing I’m not ready. Basically I’ve had a preconceived notion that I’ll get an apprenticeship and just hang out, work hard, but also do what I want in life (move out, ski every night after work and weekends, and be happy). Now in the present I sit at my desk looking at forums of people looking for apprenticeship starters for literal years and I’m having serious doubts. Guess this is what it means to be an adult huh.
You just got to make a decision and follow through . I know that sounds stupid as fuck but in reality 5 years is about the most you will spend training in something. It sounds like a long time but its fuck all really and you cant know what you want to do until you have been out in the working world for a bit. The idea is to gain experience. I finished school and had no idea what to do. I did a dead end job for about 6 months and then I had an opportunity to do an electrical apprenticeship. So I jumped on it. about 2 years in I got bored but I knew I had another 2 years to go. It was hard but I finished it. I never want to do it again, if i dont have to . But its nice to know I can. Also it shows other employers you can follow through and work hard. And like I said in the long run its actually a short amount of time. Im 25 now and done a few other things and it feels so long ago.
But yea i think the most important thing to do is gain experience. Experience doesn't just mean education . Travel is huge to. Just dont get stuck doing the same thing in the same place. If your at 30 and you have some meaningful education and some travel / new experiences under your belt you've done well. And if you dont? You've got a fuck load more time so don't stress , find whats meaningful to you.
Fuck me this was a rant and its really just my opinion but I hope it helps.