Hey guys, I'm cleaning house and would like to get rid of a pair of Surface No Times I have kicking around. I think they're from 2011, the Anthony Boronowski graphic. They're 172 and mounted for a 25.5 Salomon Ghost/Shogun boot which has a BSL of 295 I believe.
They are missing about 20cm of edge underfoot on the left ski. Aside from that, the bases are in good shape. The topsheets are fine, with minimal chipping.
The bindings are a pair of older Rossi World Cup pivots, DIN 12. They are the older pivots from before the re-release. One of the heel-pieces is a LOOK pivot heel piece with a DIN up to 17. It has the same release mechanism as the Rossi, so it is fine to use. The LOOK heel piece is at DIN 11 or 12 and can't be adjusted.
Like I said, they're free (but I wouldn't be opposed to a few beers!). I'd rather give them away than throw them out. They'd be great if you want skis for urban, summer skiing, rocks, or want to get someone you know into skiing. I live in Cabbagetown in Toronto, I'll hang onto them until this weekend and then toss them out. Message me on here to get my phone number if you want to pick them.
**This thread was edited on Jun 10th 2014 at 6:09:55pm