Replying to YouTube Live with Pro Skiers / Have NS'ers tweet questions
So I recently tuned into a YouTube "live" event that I was actually thoroughly entertained by. It was a writer (Smitty) over at talking about his new full-time gig. Readers of the site were encouraged to tweet questions at him to answer live.
It was just him sitting in his apartment, answering the viewers' questions, while someone else in his apartment fielded all the questions on Twitter.
Basically it worked like this:
-The YouTube live player was embedded on a page on
-Underneath it there was some writing that said something along the lines of "Tweet @SmittyBarstool and #BSPhilly to ask Smitty a question."
I remember him saying something about how it was originally intended to be like 10 or 15 minutes long and it ended up being about an hour because there were so many questions being tweeted at him. (I got my question answered.)
I think you probably know where this is going by now.
Back in the day there was NS radio and I believe it was hosted by Mike Rogge. NS Radio doesn't run anymore, but maybe this would be an awesome replacement?
Has this ever been tried by NS before?
I think if NS did this basically the same way as Barstool (embed the YouTube live player on NS, have NS'ers tweet at the pro skier and use a hashtag), it would work really well. Barstool is a big site, but so are we. I think organizing for skiers like Henrik Harlaut, Tom Wallisch, etc. to do this could really be a huge hit.
-The pro skier gets Twitter followers and exposure (obviously)
-NS'ers get questions answered live
-NS gets hits to the site
Win, win, win?
I hope I didn't write all that out just to have someone say this has already been tried before, haha.
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