theabortionatorSometimes the downvoted posts are great though.
It's more the people that get on their epic troll alias with 100 posts and proceed to post something stupid in every thread.
There posts might never get more than 5-10 downvotes in some threads but you're thinking "Oh god, not again" every time you see their name.
I'd bet that if we actually performed some analysis though that the ones that were super funny would have a good up/down ratio. The 'score' that you guys see is only the difference between upvotes and downvotes.
The really interesting number is the '
wilson score' - which gives us a 1-10 decimal made up of all the votes.
For instance when we look at forum threads, its actually ones that are rated closest to 7 that are the best, with about 5-8 being the range that are awesome threads. 10 means they're all just lollipops and rainbows and 1 means its garbage that nobody wants.
I'd gander a guess that posts would end up being the same way. So you could say hide anything that scores a 3 or below (or give people the option to hide it) and that would mean something with 100 downvotes and 20 upvotes wouldn't get hidden. It'd still have a score as you see it in the forums of -80 though.
The way it appears to work is that guys like you like that kind of stuff and offset the happy rainbows crowd by just enough.