Replying to Apple is the best Marketing Strategy Ever.
This isn't to put anyone down, I was just reading and article on iPods and my friend's iPod issue that got me thinking. iPods are so popular and demanded that many companies are designing luggage and apparel and outerwear with an 'iPod' pocket/holder, not mp3 or music, they will actually state iPod. Some BMW's with stock iPod docks to connect them to the stereo.
And the big thing, the iPod is just like cell phones in it's progression. Phone's, the big think was that they kept getting smaller and smaller, then there was internal antennas, small flip phoes, color screens, internet access cameras, etc. Where are iPod's? the exact same path but not as far along. They're process is they keep coming out with more tweaks, first more space, a backlight, sesored buttons, sensor/click wheel, mini, iPod photo. But they still haven't come out with an iPod with a color screen other than the photo, the current mini only holds 4 gigs i believe, and such.
what my friend did was bought the new click wheel, then 2 weeks later the photo came out so he really wanted the photo so he sold his old ipod to a friend and got the photo. meaning, iPod buyers are also looking to get the better, newer iPod because of such luck with their old ones.
This is just a post to kinda look at things differently, I'm in a marketing class and it just made me think of the cycle of these, I want an iPod so bad, but I think I'll have to wait on the one that comes out that I really want.
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