StaticThis season alone I have tracked down the owners and returned 3 loose IDs, 2 wallets, a kindle, keys, and a phone;
and no one gave me a damn thing.
that's why i stopped trying to reunite stuff from the lost and found. fuck em' all.
Found a cracked S3 in the snow yesterday, battery popped out too. Brought it back home, starts right up, throw it into airplane mode so it cant be tracked to my front door. Rather than clearing it up/unlocking it and flipping it on eBay (like I would have done at prob any other point in time) I find the kid on Facebook and message him asking if he lost his phone and then my address to pick it up. I genuinely felt bad for the kid. Maybe its cause he's a fellow student or maybe its because it was a cracked s3, but I felt pretty good about it.
threw me 5 singles after, which I tried not to accept but he wouldn't take a no.
Really weird part, I added him on FB so he'd see my message. A few minutes after accepting it, some random girl "accepts" my friend request.. which I have no recollection of ever sending (5 mutual, goes to my uni) so it must have been like 1.5 - 3+ years ago that I tried to add her.
The sp00ky part..?
That girl was the girl who he as actively texting / hooking up (did a lil snooping of course after I found his phone) No clue how I know/knew her, no clue how she managed to realize I sent her a friend request after all this time, no clue why he'd tell her "oh this kid ___ ___ found my phone" just minutes after I added him... idk super trippy tho...