coolflash83% of planned parenthood's budget was abortions. THREE PERCENT. And if you don't believe in some of their practices don't call yourself a conservative and don't defend them
Are you seriously saying that anyone that supports a political party has to support every single policy the party puts forward? Politicians in their own party don't even necessarily support every motion put forward.
*TURBONERD*The fact that Viagra exists and no comparable popular product for females does, combined with the inverse case in regards to pull-based contraception (yes, it's in the works for males, but it's taken forever) are clear indexes of the the differing attitudes towards male and female sexuality worldwide. You really shot yourself in the foot there, although I'll admit that it's not precisely misogyny.
Are you serious? You do realise there are fundamental differences in the reproduction systems of both genders right?
Viagra was discovered by accident when they were trying to develop a drug to lower blood pressure. During clinical trials for the blood pressure drug they discovered that is caused erections in men. While they may have developed one since, if it wasn't found it was developed to be an erection drug.
Disregarding the obvious physical difference (such as an erection being needed for sex rather than the female needing lubrication) they have been trying to find for years a female equivalent of viagra to increase the sex drive of women. Unfortunately, like the birth control pill the biological differences have been so great in the two sexes that what works for one sex doesn't work for the other.
They have been trying to develop a viagra for women, and viagra works for women in a biological sense, enlarging the clitoris ect, the problem is that it doesn't increase libido due to women deriving a lot of sexual arousal from psychological responses. So the biological function, increased blood flow to the genitals has been developed for both men and women.
Male birth control has taken longer because of the biological differences between the sexes as well. You can't stop sperm from being fertile in men, like you can stop the implantation of the egg in a women. Luckily, they seem to have found a way it works now.