XtRemE11Id say the percent of stupid YOUNG liberals is more than stupid young conservatives. you actually have to have a reason to be a young conservative, otherwise why risk not being kewl? you just have to be "in" and go to college to be a young liberal.
what you just said is completely ridiculous and actually does more to credit the opposing side that you're trying to bash.
you think young conservatives have reason to be conservative? the extent of your problems when you're young are social ones, and most people ere on the side of libertarianism rather than authoritarianism.
think of it this way. have you ever seen an 18 year old who skateboards and says fuck the police and all who try to control me? middle finger to the system, hail anarchy, pro choice? i know i have.
on the flip side, have you ever seen an 18 year old ready to put his combats and accept absolute blind obedience, follow the established order, and accept his role as a lesser creature to those of higher power and work for the greater good?
in a word, no.
so really, most young kids are decidedly liberal as economic issues haven't even begun to be a concern of theirs. how the fuck can you be conservative with real world issues when you aren't even a part of the real fucking world yet? you just have to have a rich dad who tells you liberals are trying to freeload off his money and THAT's the real reason why you claim you're a right wing enthusiast.
some people are pretty fucking dim....