immasYou expel all fluids when you die. Sometimes when built up gas is expelled it can look like the corpse is being reanimated. Cool stuff really.
I've never had any of my patients die and shit themselves. Or expel any fluids for that matter. but it can happen.
immasThis is actually really dependent!! Sometimes hospitals are responsible for cleaning it, medical examiners may be in charge of initially cleaning the body. Morticians will then make it look more colored or cleaned.
And when they have passed, the hospital staff is responsible for cleaning them up before they go down to the hospital morgue (at least the places I've worked). They don't get sent out covered in shit and piss. Morticians will "pretty them up" for the wake though.
BombogenesisYou know when you push hard while pooping your heart stops right!
like dead serious. That's why old people die on the toilet a lot. Their heart stops when they really push and never starts again.
old people who have shitty hearts to begin with, when they strain, will have a pre- or syncopal episode. They can have a vasovagal episode. heart rate slows, blood pressure drops, blood and therefore oxygen, cannot make it to the brain. usually this leads to a fall off the john and an old person smacking their head, leading to other shit.