Like to have a sweet custom wallpaper to show off your love for this awesome site?
I have been having a very intimate relationship with maya lately, and it has gotten so serious, that I introduced her to NS.
obviously I'm talking about the software.
Anyhow, I have created the model, now all I need is your suggestions of colorways and such, to make them for you guys.
I can render any perspective, texture and lighting situation in any size you want.
Obviously, as I am also still learning, and don't have infinite time, and rendering takes a while, please bare with me, and dont expect me to make every single suggestion you have.
Also, feel free to make any suggestions of companies or things that youd like to see rendered into a wallpaper like format.
This is in a chrome texture, just to give you an Idea, but many things can be done.
Note this isn't full resolution, this is:
please be clicky.