JordanButtfartSo, it was my second big lecture class in college, Astronomy. Immediately, and I mean right when the professor started he asked if anyone had questions. Some dumbass girl set her Starbucks down and closed her mac for 2.5 seconds, looked up and asked when we would learn about horoscopes. The class went silent and I burst out laughing. 275 people all looked at me. Terrible.
Oh I love doing this. Especially when it's something that isn't necessarily untrue, like in this instance. Just when it's incredbily stupid. I would laugh so fucking loud.
zzzskizzzI told a girl that if you plant a potato, it will grow a potatoes tree. And because of a massive wildfire in Ireland that destroyed all the potato trees. They had to wait for the trees to grow back so potatoes could be produced again, causing the potato famine.
9/10. Good story. Would read again.