I signed up for a dorm room next year for my school. There was like only one room left (there were others but they were shitty small rooms and this one was a good location and good size) so I chose it. After completing the paper work I find out who my roommate is. OH LORD, its this kid from my high school. The kid skies park at my local hill and the kid also plays lacrosse (in highschool we were on the same team fresh and soph year) I ski park and I love lax, so this sounds like a match made in heaven right? Wrong. This kid throughout knowing him is generally an asshole. While on the lacrosse team together this kid seemed to not like me, for whatever reason. So now I have to think, will this be an awesome roommate because when its warm we can lax and when its cold we can ski. And he won't look at me as weird like my current roommate does when he walks in on my trying on all my ski gear in anticipation for ski season. So do I try to change my room and get a new roommate or No?
"LOL DIDN'T READ." (Sparknotes)
Pros- new roommate skis and plays lax
Con- not a nice person
So give him a chance or get out of there?