Inspired by a 12 page paper coming up that I'm still not even sure what it's on, let's hear about some professors that absolutely suck at teaching.
I have one right now who says maybe a few constructive things each class, and instead, just bullshits with the group of students in the front of the room who suck up to him at every chance. The class is supposed to be Arthurian lit and Robinhood based but all we ever do is presentations on modern day movie remakes that, most of the time, have no resemblance to anything historically. A couple classes ago, we listened a 45 minute presentation on the rat pack.. literally nothing to do with this class. And when I go to his office hours for help, "everything is fair game for the final" is the criticism I receive. And he definitely lives up to that as he makes us recite random versus of the poetry, most of which that weren't discussed in class.
A perfect example of those who can't do, teach.
I'm done ranting now but there has to be some more people out there with terrible profs, let's hear some stories.