t_robThe biggest question with a credit card is can you pay your bill in full every month?
FDMthey will rape you interest if you don't pay it off in the end of the month.
The most important thing to do is look at your credit card as the following:
A) A safer means of transactions besides cash
B) A way to earn rewards on your everyday purchases
C) A way to build up your credit for any big-boy activity that requires a credit check
There is one thing you should never look at your credit card as:
A) A method to purchase something you can't afford
B) Free money to buy stuff you can't afford
C) Any way to purchase things you don't have cash in hand for
You get a credit card with some cool rewards that are pointed toward your interest and NO annual fee. You don't care about interest rate because you never go a month without paying your credit card off in full. Ever. All of your transactions go through your credit card because if someone steals your debit card shit (i.e. the Target scam on the blackest of Fridays) they have access to the entirety of your personal information. Meaning they can steal not just your money, but your identity. If they get your credit card number, you change the card number and you're fixed.
TL:DR - Get the coolest credit card rewards you can find with no annual fee. APR doesn't matter because if you don't plan to pay off your credit card in full every month, you shouldn't have a credit card.