Ok, so I'm sitting here trying to decide which direction I should go in life. Currently working silviculture 7 months a year and skiing the winter away, but I want a change. The "easy" out is to get into a trade and go work in fort Mac, making $6000/paycheque give or take (most likely give). For years I just said it wasn't an option due to my idealistic thoughts about life, the environment, and our social responsibility to 'be green'.
After some interesting conversations with friends and thinking about the big picture, and the small I'm starting to think the mentality of "never work the oil industry" might be just as hypocritical as bashing the industry while depending on said industry for every aspect of my day to day life. Obviously, going off the grid and becoming fully sustainable is not an option (and if you think it is than you best get off the Internet you dirty hippy) so it raises the question.
Curious what your guys opinion on the subject is. Is it worth signing my soul away to the devil for monetary gain, and if not, why? At what point does it turn from "if you can't beat em, join them" to being the them that you (I) have been so blindly against for so long.