have iphone 4s, cracked to shit, barely works.
droid ultra=Free$
iphone 5s-200$
nokia 928 -Free$
galaxy 5? price? 300quagmires
or wait till the 11th and get the galaxy s5?
am apple fanboi, macbook, love it, hate to go opposite, but i cant make a decision?!!? price matters up to 200$
i dont do shit besides things a 14 yr old girl would use her phone for, insta, facebook, snapchat, etc...
im sure tht will help
have till wed apr 2 to decide what to do.
And i gues best buy has better pricing options via verizon according to pops so gonna do the rounds tomorrow see whats up price is a factor, free>money.
drunk cp out, thanks for input, vote fuckeres vote! hope yall can read this. i love you.