to find the answer to this, you first need to figure out your financial situation. what kind of stocks could be coming up in the market. should you buy, sell, trade, etc. RRSP funds. your yearly income, and any other factors affecting you financially.
now. to find out the number of active members, take the total number of members, multiply by your age, divide by your number of posts, add the number of pictures, videos, etc, that you have posted, then take the cubed root of then number of people on your MSN/AIM/ICQ list (whichever one you use most). now. when you get that number, write it on a piece of paper, show it to the audience, but not me. okay. got it?? good. now, i want you to crumple the paper up, and throw it away. good. okay......
I mean, come on people.
You Laugh Because I'm Different. I Laugh Because You're All The Same.