Hi, I have become more familiar with all the skis available on the market during my stay on this site. The help has been great. I am planning on buying either next years Jeffreys(114)/Billy Goats, Govenors, Norwalks or Liberty Origins. However I am not sure what binding to get.
My friends, and my mother for that matter, swear by Marker bindings. All in all, I ski fast and aggressive, charge hard whilst also enjoy pulling small, nifty, stylish turns, I do not tour, and I like to cliff drop but not so much shooting off big kickers (only sometimes), so is there a binding you can recommend me? What is NS's most praised? I assume I'm looking at something in the 12 DIN setting?
First thought were the Jesters as I've done more research on Marker Bindings as they've got a good reputation, but I would like to hear more from your knowledgeable minds.
I also ride on Full Tilt First Chairs (8 flex) if that helps, might change in future.
I am 5"11' and weigh 158lbs, so pretty light.