So, I'm a big fan of stand development, because I'm A: Lazy, B: Busy and 3: never liked getting high on chemicals (and yes, I just said A, B, 3)
I've been pretty much only devoing my B&W films for years and sending in my c41 stuff.. because, as any dumbass lazy millennial, I hate dealing with the temperature consistency nonsense. Because it's haaaard ughhh
But I just found out about c41 stand development using the compard digibase c41 kit...
anyone tried this? Do they even make this kit anymore?
Basically develop at 65f/18C
Presoak in water 3Min
Developer agitate 1Min, stand 45Min
Wash for 3 Min
Bleach (not blix) agitate 1min, stand 45 Min
Wash 3 Min
Fix (again.. no blix) for 7min
Ilford 5-10-20 rinse
I probably wouldn't want to blow through all my ektar in my hasselblad and devo this way until I'm more confident with the results, but my collection of expired film, and cheap Vista 200 and Fuji c200 would finally get to be shot... (not to mention, I'd actually develop the dozen or so undeveloped C41 films I'm sitting on)