iskiPC1997Thanks! What do you have for sale?
Anything really, but first check your local thrift shop, shipping to the US costs money. I can offer you a Minolta X-300 which is a great beginner metal bodied film slr with a meter and nifty fifty for an amount disclosable per PM with personal guarantee that it works, flawlessly. It's also quite a bit cheaper then it's CaNikon peers.
But first check your thrift shop, then come to me.
JamartiniAlright I have a Pentax K1000 and Argus C3, I am shooting with Ultramax 400 on both of them and get my film developed from a pharmacy, as soon as I finish these rolls I plan on loading tri x in to both of them.
So basically I have no idea if I should get a 35mm scanner so I can do it the legit way and just get the negatives developed from the pharmacy if that is possible or just continue to get my stupid CDs.
It depends on how much film you shoot, how good the scans are at your local lab etc..
One roll a month, pics on FB > lab scan.
If you solely plan to shoot 35mm film get a Plustek, they are slow but quality and have beyond excellent tech support.
If you plan too shoot other formats besides 35mm: Epson V600/700/???
If you shoot dickloads: Pakon.