Mr.BishopI downvoted you.
The mathematics behind the scenes work way, way, way better with downvotes. Our algorithms do a pretty good job of evening out malicious downvoting (and we police for it) - and frankly its a silly idea that everything should be all lolly-pops and candyland. Some stuff sucks and people need to be able to express their dislike of something.
I detest places that only have upvotes. It makes the math shit, and breeds stupid content floating to the top.
I respectfully disagree, not because i dislike people sharing their opinion, but an upvote has WAY less power than a downvote. If a single person downvotes the video directly above them, it can many times cause them to move ahead. For people who make content, I can understand the temptation to downvote others, and its no suprise that Sklar and others have abused the system. And I actually dont give a shit about peoples feelings i think internet hate is funny. If the system changed to only likes/upvotes, people would upvote what they felt was worthy, and refrain from upvoting shitty content, and the shittiness still wouldn't float to the top.
The power of the downvote is just too high for my liking. All minor discontent aside, I think the system works decently and I appreciate the work you guys do