a couple tips for your next project.
try to cut your shots a little quicker. some of the shots had in or out points that weren't worth keeping in the final edit. when the camera panned in or out the background and lighting wasn't too interesting. just use the very best part from each clip and try not to have any long clips unless its totally necessary to the edit and the shot is visual interesting for the audience.
before you go out shooting think of a list of different thing you might want to aim for. a lot of the shots were from the same angle. mix up the height of the camera and get some more close up shots. you can use close ups of the wheels on the road or something like that to cut between shots to make the edit flow more. different shot types will help the edit look more planned.
something that really helps you make quality edits is filming when the lighting is good. I know you can't really control that outdoors, but just waiting an hour or so for better lighting and weather can do a lot.