Runners Up
160 posts
2004-12-07 16:20:53
'most of us outside american hate that country'
ha your an idiot...people hate the U.S. because they are jealous. We have the most money, the best land, and the best political system, not to mention the lightest dryest powder!!!!. Life will always be about the 'haves' vs. the 'have nots'...go suck of a frenchman
D-loc: 'you cant fake it when a 9 inch cock penetrates your tight clit, you jsut cant'
skibum_'s response: '^haha, i'm almost 100% sure that that is impossible, penetrate the clit, haha'
and D-loc again: '^why not? clit, cooter, coochie, pussy all the same thing man, whys it not possible?'
217 posts
2004-12-10 13:42:42
Fox and CNN are soooooooooo different....CNN is leftist liberal propoganda...and Fox is unbias news ment fo the sophisticated right that can make decisions on thier own
380 posts
2004-12-10 18:39:51
yeah i bet he is. fuck him. i dont care if he is or not. i dont pay taxes i dont give a fuck. i just hate the liberals. and so does jesus.
393 posts
2004-12-10 19:10:31
and i politely say 'fuck you' and i am not really a valid opinion. i cant even vote. so disregard me. im serious.
i have no problems with any other countries at all. just fucks that live in them and bitch about another country because they feel that their superior opinions are the way things should be. millions of pro bush votes say 'fuck you' to kerry and the liberals. there is not many of you liberals. but those from outside the country who CANT FUCKING VOTE HERE have no right to say anything at all.
i shouldnt either. i cant vote. but i do feel that stop the political shit. the elections over. i realize im a hypocrit for bashing all you you because that too is political, but hey, what the hell? if you dont live here why do you care. are too many babies being killed. though extremely sad and real, its unavoidable. the chaos theory as stated in jurassic park points that out.
wow i cant recall name the leader of canada but you all know everything about bush. the rest of the world with the exceptions of the fucking liberals IN OTHER COUNTRIES proably have no probelm with bush. its just the liberals are far more vocal about their standing. go to hell and get a life. talk about something else like massive kickers at your home mountain, not about how america and gw are faggot assholes awhile after the election.
you cant change anything at all. its a fact.
3072 posts
No Life
2004-12-09 12:32:08
thats also a simpsons comemrcial for something i forget. when homer builds the baseball stadium but its crap, the flanders has some super colluseum statium in his yard.
if you build it, they will come haha
89 posts
2004-12-09 12:34:16
^Have you ever seen Field of Dreams?
3072 posts
No Life
2004-12-09 12:40:37
^nope i dont watch too many movies, dont have the time.
but does it relate to that movie or soemthing?
You're still herding swine as a profession -Anewmorning
Dont start with me...
Ill get drunk tonite and make posts that will make your eyes bleed -Lord_Piot
But, you can always fall back on your degree in... Communications! Oh, dear Lord!
I know! Is phony major. Lubchenko learn nothing. Nothing!
Our greatest glory consists not in never falling. But in rising every time we fall.