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i just bought a new tub of GNC brand 100% whey in chocolate, and i opened the container and noticed a bunch of small white flakes in there along with the brown powder. this normal? i still have the receipt and all that so i could take it back i guess
Peter.i just bought a new tub of GNC brand 100% whey in chocolate, and i opened the container and noticed a bunch of small white flakes in there along with the brown powder. this normal? i still have the receipt and all that so i could take it back i guess
I'd take it back, GNC is usually pretty good about returns. It sounds like the fillers bound up.
hey-dude-its-meLittle white specs consistently throughout is normal in some but flakes sounds weird
it's like a mix of flakes and specs. i could post a pic if youre interested. i did some googling, and some other people reported seeing this in the protein too. apparently it just really shows up in chocolate powder because of the contrast
Bakerpowso iv been working out off and on for the past two years. i caught on later in highschool to how much lifting can help keep me healthy. i generally stop going as much when im in soccer season. which tends to be pretty much all year long. i need to gain a little weight as im jumping into college ball and need to hold my own. but half my game is my speed and agility.
my questions is how to gain strength without bulking a bunch? my muscles have great endurance and above average strength for my age. is it as simple as low weight, high reps? im trying to also build muscle strength so im a little out of my depth in the understanding of the body.
The only thing that makes you get big is your diet. Not your training. If you want to get strong lift heavy in the compound movements- Squat, Deadlift, Bench press, Row, Chins, Standing press. If you dont want to gain weight dont eat more than it takes to maintain your goal weight. Its that simple.
If you have specific questions or want it broken down further for you PM myself or saskier, or Jaydope etc. you should be able to figure out who knows there stuff by perusing a few pages of this thread.
californiagrownThe only thing that makes you get big is your diet. Not your training. If you want to get strong lift heavy in the compound movements- Squat, Deadlift, Bench press, Row, Chins, Standing press. If you dont want to gain weight dont eat more than it takes to maintain your goal weight. Its that simple.
If you have specific questions or want it broken down further for you PM myself or saskier, or Jaydope etc. you should be able to figure out who knows there stuff by perusing a few pages of this thread.
thanks man, and yah iv been following a fair bit of this thread so iv caught on to who knows what. iv picked up a lot of very good tips in this thread. lots of knowledge which is pretty awesome to see. i love that other people are as stoked on exercise as i am.
ABallsUnless I'm doing something very exciting, the gym is what I look forward to during the day. I love that.
It varies for me. When I see progress (more definition, increase in size, gaining weight) I get super stoked to keep going. Once I start to plateau its easy for me to make excuses not to go.
Does anyone do lap swim for cross training? Iv been doing it lately on my rest days or just days I don't wanna lift. Helps me rehab my Achilles issue, keep my cardio level up, and work my upper body. 3000meters and I'm fucking toasted. I highly recommend it if you're looking for an alternative to running that is less impact the body's like a mix of flakes and specs. i could post a pic if youre interested. i did some googling, and some other people reported seeing this in the protein too. apparently it just really shows up in chocolate powder because of the contrast
called up GNC this morning, they said it was normal. ate some after lifting tonight and i am still alive so all seems well
I don't really know my exact numbers (has been a while since I was at a gym), but I remember my legs beeing insanely strong compared to the rest of my body. I guess thats what you get for skiing and biking a lot ;)
Chubz.So i did weighted calf raises tonight. I was able to do 350lbs kinda easily. i really surprised myself on how strong my legs are.
For those who have done these, whats your max? Also whats your max leg press?
I need to start doing something for my legs fast. I lost so much muscle over the past couple months. Im able to sort of push up onto my right toe now. Which is good.
.Rybak.I need to start doing something for my legs fast. I lost so much muscle over the past couple months. Im able to sort of push up onto my right toe now. Which is good.
just do squats or lunges or a variation. leg press puts unnecessary stress on your knees and lower back if you do it wrong, and 85% of the people i see doing it are doing it wrong
Bakerpowjust do squats or lunges or a variation. leg press puts unnecessary stress on your knees and lower back if you do it wrong, and 85% of the people i see doing it are doing it wrong
Squats are really easy to do wrong as well.. What normal problems do you see with leg press?
Bakerpowjust do squats or lunges or a variation. leg press puts unnecessary stress on your knees and lower back if you do it wrong, and 85% of the people i see doing it are doing it wrong
lunges put unnecessary stress on your knees if you do them wrong, leg press is by far the easiest leg exercise technically
but seriously learning to squat is key for leg strength
louie.miragsSquats are really easy to do wrong as well.. What normal problems do you see with leg press?
you should do leg presses with one leg at a time. it eliminates back problems, you don't have to worry about breathing form, and you get a better range of motion
BakerpowDoes anyone do lap swim for cross training? Iv been doing it lately on my rest days or just days I don't wanna lift. Helps me rehab my Achilles issue, keep my cardio level up, and work my upper body. 3000meters and I'm fucking toasted. I highly recommend it if you're looking for an alternative to running that is less impact the body
I swim about that much every Saturday and Sunday. I absolutely love it for the reasons you've stated. It lets me stay in race shape while only running three days during the week.
dylgoz23you should do leg presses with one leg at a time. it eliminates back problems, you don't have to worry about breathing form, and you get a better range of motion
I'll do some further research and give it a shot. I'd always just assumed one leg exercises would be more problematic on your knees. Not sure why
dylgoz23you should do leg presses with one leg at a time. it eliminates back problems, you don't have to worry about breathing form, and you get a better range of motion
Why don't you have to worry about breaking form? And how does single leg leg press prevent butt tucking? How do you get a better range of motion?
I'm seriously curious as to the rationale behind the above.
californiagrownWhy don't you have to worry about breaking form? And how does single leg leg press prevent butt tucking? How do you get a better range of motion?
I'm seriously curious as to the rationale behind the above.
I said "breathing form" not breaking form. Doing one leg at a time reduces the pressure on the mid section so you don't need to breathe out as you come down like a two legged leg press. A lot of people use that pressure in their abdomin to move the weight with 2 legs and that will get you hurt.
You can't tuck it when you only put one leg on the leg press, idk how you think you can
If you have ever done a one leg leg press you would know that range of motion is MUCH deeper
ha dont worry about breathing form? thats luddddddaaacris, you should breathe properly in every single exercise regardless if its on a machine or free weights, generally exhaling through the sticking point of the concentric phase of the movement the inhale through the eccentric phase
dylgoz23Breathing is opposite for leg press, you don't want to be filled with air at the bottom. That's what I'm getting at
Your breathing theory is flat out wrong, and quite frankly dangerous. Single leg, leg press does not prevent butt/lower back tucking. And you didn't answer the better ROM question I had.
The reason I'm picking on you is because it fucks up this thread when people post uneducated and dangerous suggestions.
the problem i have with leg press is that i see sooo many people at my gym just sit on the leg press machine and think thats all they have to do for leg day. i mean cmon i dont care how much you can leg press, impress me on the squat.
TheSeaCaptainI swim about that much every Saturday and Sunday. I absolutely love it for the reasons you've stated. It lets me stay in race shape while only running three days during the week.
swimming is one of the best cardio exercises you can do because it is almost 0 impact on your joints. when you look at impact levels, running is really bad for you
Bakerpowso iv been working out off and on for the past two years. i caught on later in highschool to how much lifting can help keep me healthy. i generally stop going as much when im in soccer season. which tends to be pretty much all year long. i need to gain a little weight as im jumping into college ball and need to hold my own. but half my game is my speed and agility.
my questions is how to gain strength without bulking a bunch? my muscles have great endurance and above average strength for my age. is it as simple as low weight, high reps? im trying to also build muscle strength so im a little out of my depth in the understanding of the body.
I have the perfect remedy for you sir. It is called the superman workout. You need balls to complete this thing; like balls the size of Texas. If you follow the program exactly, you will have amazing results. You can tailor it to your own liking (eg. lower weight with less rest in between sets for more cardio workout or heavy weight with more rest for power lifting workout). I've done this exact workout twice now and have changed up the exercises but kept the same style in my current workout. Believe me once you try it and finish it, you'll never want to do regular power lifting again. It keeps a full body concept with cardio and muscle building in mind. Check it out and be sure to watch the youtube videos to fully understand it.
cobra_commanderIf you can't safely do a weighted lunge or weighted single leg (Bulgarian) squat, you might be the least coordinated fucker around.
build up your squat slowly. Focus on driving through the heels and screwing your feet into the floor. Increase depth and weight as you can.
i completely disagree, split squats, especially bulgarian, have a huge balance element to them which you dont really find in other exercises if you're doing any reasonable weight
tusken_assraideri completely disagree, split squats, especially bulgarian, have a huge balance element to them which you dont really find in other exercises if you're doing any reasonable weight
...and if you can't do them you might be the least coordinated fucker around.
tusken_assraideri completely disagree, split squats, especially bulgarian, have a huge balance element to them which you dont really find in other exercises if you're doing any reasonable weight
this has got to be the dumbest logic ever...
The more balance a movement takes, the more it forces you to engage your stabilizer muscles, making the movement safer.
Using your shit balance as an excuse to add plates to your leg press is pretty dumb.
Any S&C program that actually produces athletes will have them doing unilateral work.
JayDopeha dont worry about breathing form? thats luddddddaaacris, you should breathe properly in every single exercise regardless if its on a machine or free weights, generally exhaling through the sticking point of the concentric phase of the movement the inhale through the eccentric phase
This so much. A guy was squatting 315 today and his face was extremely red and didnt look like he was breathing at all, and boom, dude passed out. If there wasnt the bars in the squat rack he would have folded up like a taco.
cobra_commanderthis has got to be the dumbest logic ever...
The more balance a movement takes, the more it forces you to engage your stabilizer muscles, making the movement safer.
Using your shit balance as an excuse to add plates to your leg press is pretty dumb.
Any S&C program that actually produces athletes will have them doing unilateral work.
oh I see so you should be working on balance before you get your squat technique down? trust me I see enough people in the gym who can barely balance with two feet on the ground rather than one. if you cant get knees in line with toes on a normal squat you haven't got a hope for any split squat. that's like saying do 1 leg deadlifts before regular ones.(not that I think 1 leg deadlifts are a good exercise)
tusken_assraiderwould love to see a lineman do a pistol squat...
No one has said anything about pistols...
Just because CF has embraced one style of single leg squat movement does not mean there are not others.
Again, unilateral movements are crucial in building a strong, stable, and durable base.
cobra_commanderNo one has said anything about pistols...
Just because CF has embraced one style of single leg squat movement does not mean there are not others.
Again, unilateral movements are crucial in building a strong, stable, and durable base.
Eh, that's debatable. I fall on your side of that debate, but there is a very good argument for using only bilateral movements. As part of my preseason training I actually drop squats entirely and do heavy BSS in their place. I see a ton of leg development doing this...which is why I don't use it all year round - I'd like to continue fitting into my pants haha.