The bandit logo is still alive and well and we will run that again. The funny thing is that when we released that sweatshirt we received the same push back we get every season. People said it wasn't thug enough compared to the pieces the year before. And every single season we have seen that same response and complaint. When we release new product we have an outpouring of support from the people who back our brand and are excited about the evolution an equal amount of hate from people who aren't ready for change and voice their opinions. That has never swayed us in the slightest from our focus and our direction. As a brand we have never been stagnant and we never will.
From the day we started the brand we have seen passionate responses to our products, both positive and negative. It doesn't bother us. We've always made what we liked and that is the same today. It is how we have gone from an idea and $475 in product, no connections, no experience, and no money to having 3 of our own boutiques, a globally distributed brand, and coverage from the most respected street fashion publications and blogs on the planet. And throughout that entire journey the company is still run by the same people we started with.
We learned a long time ago that not everyone is going to like what we put out, and that is fine. It's never been about appealing to everyone. When we decided to create an outerwear collection we went outside of the spectrum of what is currently available in the marketplace. We have had the chance to make outerwear for 9 years and we always passed. We just didn't see the need to put out stuff that is already available. Outerwear has been pretty much the same for the better part of a decade now. When we walk around SIA the brands seem to just blend together. The cuts change slightly, colors get swapped out, and logos move around. And that is fine because that system seems to work and there are lots of brands making great stuff and lots of people want that. But we just wanted to do something different and bring our lives and the city and our lives in the mountain together. Based on the response we have seen there are people that are ready for that. Of course not everyone is going to want to wear streetwear cuts on the mountain. But some people are and those people are happy about having a different option.
Schoeller fabrics don't come cheap as anyone who owns a jacket made from their fabric will tell you. And with the few select retailers we have offered this range to it will be unlikely most people will even see this stuff in person anyways. But for those who are interested we can setup showings at our Denver office. It will help anyone who wants to get a better feel for what we have been working on. Just hit us up at and we can setup a time to review it with you in person. It's pretty incredible stuff.