Selling some stuff I don't use to fund stuff that I need for my job. I spend 5 days a week shooting photos and delivering them in a timely manner, which hasn't given me much time to do anything else. I'm fucking loving every minute of it though and would rather put my money towards things I'd use 5 days a week vs 5 days a month.
Sale rules:
*paypal only
*shipping UPS or USPS. Depending on my work schedule it might take a day or two for me to get something out, but I will do my best and keep you posted.
*NS stickers come with orders to NS'ers, who also get a special price :)
Canon 1N 35mm Film Body
Condition: 9.5/10
Included: Body, Extra battery (i have more back home too that I can ship separately/later), two rolls of film :)
Sale price/NSer's price: $100/$90 OBO
Leica M8
Yup, I'm not art. Details:
Refurb Epson v600 Scanner
Condition: 9.8/10
Included: Scanner, film holders, cords
Sale Price/NSer's price: $125/$110 OBO