To all of you ripping on people drinking on the hill. Get over that, I like a few beers on the hill and I'm sure most of you do too. You're essentially saying, well if we can't smoke pot here then no one can drink. Let's not attempt to make the hill completely legally squared.
If you want to direct you anger it should be directed at: 1. the dumb asses who post shack locations on the web. (Google colorado smoke shack and you can see a google map of all Breck's huts). 2. Inside Edition for running that shotty piece. 3. Those stupid ass snowboarders who looked like they were being paid to snowboard excessively shitty.
But don't stress, this is not the first time the forest service has destroyed a bunch of shacks and it will not be the last. I remember when they smashed them all in 2005 at Breck due to excessive trash in the huts and a new Park Director from Steamboat. The huts will always come back. For some people it's a great summer time project.
My favorite breck hut: I remember the tree hut up on peak 9 with professional siding, windows, insulation, the works. Some girl broken her leg climbing down and they tore that down. That was amazing though. About 20-30 feet up and you would never notice it. Also just such great craftsmanship.
I also miss the near Freeway, it was just so freaking convenient.