And most importantly his only drive to do such crazy shit is simply because he is Mike Wilson and that's what he does. The guy grew up skiing at my home hill and the man who has operated the ski shop in the lodge for a looooooooong time before it closed down couldn't believe "Little Mikey Wilson" was doing all this crazy shit when I showed him his videos, both skiing and rope swing shenanigans.
"I had no idea! Holy shit that kid ripped so hard, I always wondered what came of him. I'm so happy he never mellowed out, this is just awesome to see!"
It was awesome to watch someone who knew him as a kid just be blown away that he is exactly the same he was when he knew him probably 20 years ago, just bigger and older. I would kill to have him make a homecoming trip and ski some of the shit we've been working on for the past few years. Mike Wilson is the man!