Hey guys, so recently I just picked up a pair of 2013 Il Moro T's on the cheap and I've gotta say, I love the fit and functionality of these boots. I also have a pair of FT Sethmo's and they're great, but my toes were getting seriously scrunched at the bottom, and I'd blown a buckle and it's looking to happen more. I went up a size in the Dalbellos, but man they fit fantastic so far. However I am wanting to do some adjustments, as after the first couple times using them I've got some shinbang, and my foot got burnt out fairly quick. I've already heat molded the intuition liners which helped quite a bit, but I'm wondering how to adjust them for a little less forward lean, and how to adjust flex. I know you can swap tongues, but didnt know if there was any integral flex adjust system besides the slap ratchet buckle. Also, I was not given the manual with these things, so any other adjustability options that may be helpful to know about would be great. I'd go to a bootfitter, but seeing as I live in Iowa the pickins are pretty slim. Plus, I like to tinker with equipment until it feels right anyway, so figure I may as well do it myself. Thanks guys!
Inb4 go get fitted, I was fitted previously, and those boots are swell, I just got a good backup pair for cheap that I'm trying to optimize.