last august i went to several boot fitters to find the best boots for me, and wierdly enough ever boot fitter agreed that either langes full tilts or dalbellos were the best possible fit. ( this was before i knew what full tilt was) so i went with full tilt because in my near broke state they were the cheapest quality boot. for a year and a half these were without a doubt the best boots i had ever worn. no toe bang, no shin bang, no problems what so ever. but staring last month i have been getting pretty bad shin bang. i bought some eliminators but it only helped a tiny bit and my shins are still being bruised up. since i bought them i have been buckling my boots pretty fucking tight so i think the cables could have stretched and there is to much space in the boot, but i am not sure
does anybody have any i dea why this is happening/ how to possibly fix it(other than getting new boots)?