Ok, two requests for the story, so here goes. I've warned you though, it's long.
We had been dating for four months. She was living in the dorms on campus. I never had a girlfriend that fell on V-Day, so I waned to do something. I had an idea of a scavenger hunt ending with a giant teddy bear with "I love you" written on it. We had not said those words yet, so I thought this was a great way to take that step. I took the safe route and ran the plan by her best friend and roommate to be sure; she said "sounds great!"
I set up this huge scavenger hunt across campus. I knew her classes ended early that day, so she'd have the whole afternoon. She wore heels that day, so I snuck into her dorm room and grabbed her flats so she could walk around a little easier. First clue was the flats along with a sign that said "put these on" and directions to the next clue. Each clue had a little snippet about things I thought were great about her. (i.e. you'll go to In-n-Out with me at midnight no matter what else is going on)
There were about 20 clues.
I had no classes that day and worked on campus, so I had access to those little tiny Al Qaeda vans you see zip around. So I was stalking her the whole way to make sure she didn't miss something and get stuck. Good thing too, cause she messed up a clue and walked past the sign she was supposed to read. I shot her a quick text that read, "No, you missed that one. Go back 20 paces." I watched her stop, read, write, and keep walking.
My phone buzzes. "What the fuck is this shit?"
Uh oh.
My heart went into my throat and started to race. I really wanted this to be special and I'm pretty sure I just fucked up our first Valentine's day. I sent a few texts like, "I'm sorry, I thought you'd like this. Blah blah, please stop, I'll come get you, blah blah."
Then she disappears.
I'm running around trying to find her. Literally running. I abandoned my car. I found her on the steps of our alumni building in tears. I thought I had completely fucked her first Valentine's day and was about to get dumped for screwing it up for her. I go over to her, sit down, and just say, "I'm sorry."
She glares at me. Like, death glare. A glare I would come to embrace and love for the next eight years. "I fucking hate Valentine's day. And I absolutely despise scavenger hunts. I don't like being put in an awkward position like that in public, it infuriates me."
My feelings of apology and sadness turn into rage. "Your best. fucking. friend. told me this would be a great idea." Her eyes get huge.
"That bitch."
We had a laugh about it, talked for a while, walked back to her room and I gave her the bear and told her I loved her. Then we both yelled at her roommate. It all worked out in the end, but we agreed on that day that we would never again do a single thing for V-Day. Seven V-days have passed and we've kept that promise for each one.
TL:DR - Fuck you, you asked for it, now read it.